Cayley maps and bi-Cayley maps and their symmetries

报告学者:Young Soo Kwon教授




报告摘要:  For a map M, if there exists a subgroup H of Aut(M) acting regularly on the vertex set of the underlying graph, the map M is called a Cayley map on H. A Cayley map on can be described by triple (H, X, p), where X is a inverse closed subset of H and p is a cyclic permutation of X. Aut(M) is always a complementary product of \tilde{H} and a cyclic group, where \tilde{H} is isomorphic to H. So Aut(M) is always related to skew-morphism of H. In this talk, we will consider these relations .

For a map M, if if there exists a subgroup H of Aut(M) acting semi-regularly on the vertex set of the underlying graph and this action has two orbits, the map M is called a bi-Cayley map on H. In this talk, we will consider bi-Cayley maps whose underlying graph is bipartite. These bi-Cayley map can be described by quadruple (H, X, p, q), where X is a subset of H and p(q, resp.) is a cyclic permutation of X (X^{-1}, resp.). For such bi-Cayley maps, we will consider edge-transitivity, regularity and reflexibility.

报告人简介:Young Soo Kwon,韩国岭南大学教授,博导。Kwon教授是韩国组合数学领域中青年杰出代表,多次获得韩国国家研究基金(NRF)资助。在正则地图领域是国际知名专家,在图的正则嵌入方面有多项重要贡献。目前已发表高水平学术论文60余篇,其中包括组合数学领域顶级刊物JCTB上6篇,图论领域顶级刊物J. Graph Theory上3篇,代数组合领域顶级刊物J. Algebr. Comb.上4篇。