Design and Analysis for Constrained Order-of-Addition Experiments




报告地点:7号楼 会议室7215

报告摘要In an order-of-addition (OofA) experiment, the sequence of m different components can significantly impact the experiment's response. In many OofA experiments, the components are subject to constraints, where certain orders are impossible. For example, in survey design and job scheduling, the components are often arranged into groups, and these groups of components must be placed in a fixed order. If two components are in different groups, their pairwise order is determined by the fixed order of their groups. Design and analysis are needed for these pairwise-group constrained OofA experiments. A new model is proposed to accommodate pairwise-group constraints. This paper also introduces a model for mixed-pairwise constrained OofA experiments, which allows one pair of components within each group to have a pre-determined pairwise order. It is proven that the full design, which uses all feasible orders exactly once, is D- and G-optimal under the proposed models. Systematic construction methods are used to find optimal fractional designs for pairwise-group and mixed-pairwise constrained OofA experiments. The proposed methods efficiently assess the impact of question order in a survey dataset, where participants answered generalized intelligence questions in a randomly assigned order under mixed-pairwise constraints.


报告学者简介张雪汝,北京科技大学数理学院助理教授,2021年博士毕业于南开大学统计与数据科学学院,随后在田纳西大学和普渡大学从事博士后研究。她的研究方向包括试验设计、计算机试验和大数据抽样等。现已在Nature Communications, SClENCE CHINA Mathematics, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Computational Statistics 等国际权威期刊上发表多篇SCI学术论文。