- New algorithms for samplings and diffusion models2024-05-29
- Recent advance incompressible MHD modeling, numerics and analysis2024-05-14
- A coupled multi-physics model and a decoupled stabilized finite element method for closed-loop geothermal system2024-05-14
- Alexander polynomial of spatial graph2024-05-14
- Tight polyhedral2024-05-06
- Skeletal Polyhedra, Geometric Graphs, and Symmetry2024-05-06
- The locally homeomorphic property and the multiplicative ergodic theorem for McKean-Vlasov SDEs2024-04-24
- Graph complexes, Kontsevich's characteristic classes and formal smooth structures2024-04-24
- Cayley maps and bi-Cayley maps and their symmetries2024-04-18
- Beyond chromatic threshold via $(p,q)$-theorem, and sharp blow-up phenomenon2024-04-18
- Extremal spectral results of planar graphs without vertex-disjoint cycles2024-04-16
- Ramsey number of books versus cycles2024-04-16
- Nowhere-zero 3-flows in signed graphs with independence number at most two2024-04-16
- New algorithms for hypergraph partitioning problems2024-04-16
- Foam evaluation and its applications2024-04-16